We asked the peer mentors to answer some questions about their time here at UConn and give some simple tips and tricks to navigating the campus. Meet Brandon! A Senior majoring in Electrical Engineering.
Brandon Tyndale

What semester is this for you?
8th (final) semester
When are you graduating?
May 2022
What is your major?
Electrical Engineering
Where are you from?
Danbury, Connecticut
Are you in a learning community? (which one) How has it helped you?
Scholars House gave me resources for courses and a network of people to relate to that made me feel comfortable.
Are you involved with any on-campus activities or organizations?
Club Soccer, NSBE, and McNair Scholars
Where is your favorite spot on campus to study or hang out?
ScHOLA²RS Lounge
What would you say is the easiest part of your academic career at UConn?
What would you say is the hardest part of your academic career at UConn?
Everything, especially grade requirements for core classes
Plans after graduation?
Working in industry
Is there any advice you would give to incoming freshmen (in your major or in general)?
Always use all your resources, no matter where they are. Office Hours, YouTube, People you know who have taken the course , the Q center. These are all valuable resources available to your disposal, so don’t miss out!
Do you have any tips for navigating campus?
Pay attention to your surroundings (buildings, events, etc)
How did you handle online schooling vs in person schooling? Which do you like better?
Online was hard because there was no face-to-face interaction, but in person interactions help you understand fully because it is earlier to explain in person
How was adjusting to life at UConn like for you? Would you have done anything differently?
Scholars made it pretty easy, also I came from the biggest in state High School, so I know a lot of people. If I were to change anything, I would take a different combination of courses, so that my current course load would not be as heavy.
What resources would you say are the most helpful for first year School of Engineering students?
Q center, Supplemental Instruction, Tutoring Center
Any fun facts?
I’m Jamaican